Section Eight

30th - 34th Streets

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The thrilling snail’s pace of the retracting Shed
The Shed, January 2020. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
The Shed, January 2020
The Shed, September 2019. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
The Shed, September 2019
D.J. Natasha Diggs on opening night at The Shed, April 7, 2019. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
D.J. Natasha Diggs on opening night at The Shed, April 7, 2019

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Aerial shot of Hudson Yards, looking north, March 2013. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Aerial shot of Hudson Yards, looking north, March 2013
Hudson Yards from the Interim Walkway, looking east, December 2015. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Hudson Yards from the Interim Walkway, looking east, December 2015
The new Hudson Yards skyline from Hudson River Park, June 2023. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
The new Hudson Yards skyline from Hudson River Park, June 2023

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Rooftop shot of the Tenth Avenue Spur and Plinth. Photo by Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Rooftop shot illustrates the beautiful preservation job Friends of the High Line did in keeping the train tracks embedded in the Spur, heading to the Morgan Mail Facility
Tenth Avenue Spur on the abandoned railroad, July 2011. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Tenth Avenue Spur, looking east, on the abandoned railroad, July 2011
Aerial shot of the Tenth Avenue Spur with tracks leading to the opening for the mail trains, July 2012. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Aerial shot of the Tenth Avenue Spur (left) with tracks leading to the opening for the mail trains, July 2012
Opening for the mail trains on the Tenth Avenue Spur, March 2012. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Opening for the mail trains on the Tenth Avenue Spur, March 2012
Rick Darke shooting across the abandoned Tenth Avenue Spur toward the opening for mail trains, July 2011. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Rick Darke shooting across the abandoned Tenth Avenue Spur toward the opening for mail trains, July 2011
Tenth Avenue Spur and Plinth, featuring
Tenth Avenue Spur and Plinth, featuring “Old Tree” by Pamela Rosenkranz, June 2023
Tenth Avenue Spur June 7, 2023, during Canadian wildfires. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Tenth Avenue Spur June 7, 2023, during Canadian wildfires

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Aerial shot of the Westward Distribution Center, May 2014, showing the active rail yard to its west. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Aerial shot of the Brutalist monument, the Westward Distribution Center, May 2014, showing the active rail yard to its west
Westyard Distribution Center looking east across the rail yards from the Interim Walkway on the High Line, July 2011. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Westyard Distribution Center looking east across the rail yards from the Interim Walkway, July 2011
Westyard Distribution Center after dark, December 2013. Photo: Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Westyard Distribution Center after dark, December 2013
Westward Distribution Center mid-renovation, December 2015. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Westward Distribution Center mid-renovation, December 2015
The former Westward Distribution Center after its renovation, today known as 5 Manhattan West July 2022. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
The former Westward Distribution Center after its renovation, Brutalist no more & known as 5 Manhattan West, July 2022

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The Moynihan connector and Timber Bridge. Photo by Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
The Moynihan connector and Timber Bridge
Overhead shot of the Timber Bridge, showing the beautiful patterns of the timbers. Photo by Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Overhead shot of the Timber Bridge, showing the beautiful patterns of the timbers
Moynihan Connector, June 2023. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Moynihan Connector, June 2023
Timber Bridge leading to the Moynihan Connector, June 6, 2023. Photo: Annik LaFarge, author of On the High Line
Timber Bridge leading to the Moynihan Connector, June 6, 2023
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